Consummate socialite definition
Consummate socialite definition

consummate socialite definition consummate socialite definition

At the beginning of the series, Domyoji himself could qualify as a male example.Also, every girl in Makino's school is a rich bitch, excluding Makiko but including Sakurako, who eventually becomes Makino's friend but does not lose her nasty mannerisms. She is constantly throwing her money about to ruin the lives of Makino and those she knows to keep her away from the Domyouji family. Domyouji's mother Kaede is the rich bitch "villain" of the series.Subverted by Marianne Hamilton, who is selfish and blunt but truly cares for Francis and doesn't use her riches to make herself look better than she truly is. More than one character in Ashita no Nadja, especially Fernando's aunt Simone."She's right! She's right! What Miss Chieko says is right!" Rich bitches do exist in real life, but it's best that we don't list any real life examples here. Contrast Spoiled Sweet, Uncle Pennybags, Mock Millionaire, and The Ojou. Despite this, male examples, Rich Bastards, do exist.Ĭompare Gold Digger, Grande Dame, and Bitch in Sheep's Clothing. See Upper-Class Twit for the usual Spear Counterpart. If the Rich Bitch has an Attack Animal, or the story focuses on animals (be they Talking Animals or Funny Animals), then 9 times out of 10, this character will be a Psycho Poodle as a Right-Hand Attack Dog.Ī Sub-Trope of Idle Rich and The Upper Crass. The Rich Bitch is what the Alpha Bitch and the Spoiled Brat often become when they grow up, and their motto is " Screw the Rules, I Have Money!." If there is a Country Mouse in the cast, she usually reserves the worst of her abuse for them, especially if the Country Mouse is another female. She can be especially vicious to suitors pursuing her who are not up to her sometimes impossible standards. She has social position and/or money and never lets anyone around her forget it, and if she can make you feel like dirt, she'll do it just to amuse herself. Snide, contemptuous, and ever-so-superior to coworkers or neighbors, the Rich Bitch is the character you love to hate.

Consummate socialite definition